ACM Biokinetics / Exercise Physiologist
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Andrew Melville BSc (Hons)

My mission is to help you restore any imbalances or rehabilitate injuries in such a manner that they do not reoccur. I believe it is essential to treat each person as an individual and to provide exercise rehabilitation tailored to you specifically. I do not, make use of a “one size fits all” approach. I take a keen interest in everyone I see and provide support and education regarding your situation. I believe in empowering you to take responsibility for your own process which leads to a more positive, long-lasting outcome for you 


I use exercise as my main mode of therapy to treat orthopaedic injuries, chronic diseases and lifestyle diseases. Movement is essential for our bodies’ mental and physical wellbeing yet in today’s modern, busy world, movement and exercise is often forgotten or put on the back burner. Movement is also hampered or lost due to injury, age, lifestyle, disease or it may be hereditary. As a result of this, our bodies biomechanics are altered as certain muscles stiffen up whilst others become inactive or overactive. This, in turn, can create discomfort leading to pain and eventually injuries. 

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